The Western Cape People’s Bill is currently being tabled in parliament. If passed, this bill would give the Western Cape Premier the legal framework to exercise our constitutional right to self-determination and to call a referendum on independence. Since 2018, CapeXit has been lobbying for this referendum to take place and has already gathered the support from over 835 000 people. This would be a historic opportunity for the people of the Western Cape to finally have their say on their future.
For too long, the Western Cape has been held back by the national government. The ANC, which has been in power for 29 years, has failed to address the concerns of many Western Cape residents, including crime, poverty, and unemployment. The Western Cape is a wealthy province with a strong economy, but it is being taxed to support the rest of South Africa, which is struggling with these issues.
The Western Cape People’s Bill would give the Western Cape the power to control its own destiny, by enabling a referendum on indepenence to be held. Independence would allow the province to become its own country, set its own taxes, control its own budget, make its own laws, and represent itself in international forums. This would give the Western Cape the opportunity to build a better future for its people.
The Western Cape is a diverse and prosperous province with a unique culture. It is a place where people from all walks of life can come together to build a better future. Many people have chosen to live in the Western Cape for exactly that reason. The people who live and work in the Western Cape are the ones who make it such a success. They vote every election for their peers and local representatives, yet they are still denied their right to be governed by whom they voted for. The ANC has never been voted to govern the Western Cape in 29 years, yet the people of the Western Cape are forced to be governed by those that have repeatedly and publically stated that the province will never have autonomy. With independence, the Western Cape and its people would finally be able to chart its own course and create a more just and equitable society for all its citizens.
The Western Cape People’s Bill is a historic opportunity for the people of the Western Cape to finally have their say on their future. If you believe that the Western Cape can be a better place if it is independent, then we urge you to register your support for Cape independence at www.capexit.org. Together, we can build a better future for the Western Cape.
The Bill is a significant, if not the most life-changing event in South Africa’s history. If this bill is passed, it will put the power of calling a referendum on independence directly into the hands of the Western Cape Premier. This would mean that there are no more excuses for delaying this constitutional right of the Western Cape people.
This is the perfect opportunity to show that the people of the Western Cape want independence and nothing less. Registering on www.capexit.org is the best way to make our voices heard. The CapeXit Exco will take this list to the Premier and ask to exercise our constitutional right to a referendum.
If you’re still sitting on the sidelines and watching to see what happens, then it’s time to get on the independence wagon right now. If you’re a sceptic, then understand one thing, over 835000 people support this already. If the South African parliament does not pass this bill, it’s a direct attack on our constitution and democracy and you will then know for sure where our future is heading.
Whether through this Bill or through international laws, CapeXit will continue to push for independence and fight for your future.
We urge you to take action today and register your support for Cape independence. Forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues. Together, we will make history.
Read more about the road to independence here:
Do it right now. Own your future. CapeXit Exco |