
Registered Supporters

Registration Goal
1.6 Million 52.54%

Ask yourself why so many have already signed up for a referendum on Western Cape Independence

A referendum on Western Cape Independence…

To build a secure and prosperous new nation

To eliminate poverty and unemployment

To eliminate racism and discrimination

To eliminate the current Tax system

To eliminate crime and drug abuse

To raise the standard of education

To give power to all communities


By implementing a direct democracy using the Swiss Canton System and by becoming a tax haven using the TEAL system.

Morning Shot on Cape Independence

Is Independence possible in the Western Cape?


The quest for Independence for groups indigenous to the Cape, sharing a common language or languages and culture will be achieved through a peaceful process that is completely legal and legislated in the South African Constitution through the:

South African Law:
Article 235  of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Click here)

International Law:
Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Click here)
Article 20 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Click here)

CapeXit is an Independence/Non-Political Movement for all people of the Western Cape, regardless of race, religion or political views.

Why a Referendum for secession?

We need the support of 1.6 million people to request a referendum with the South African Government. The Western Cape is also the only province in South Africa that has its own constitution (click here to read it), and within it, there is provision for the Premier to have the power to call a referendum in accordance with national legislation. This is the preferred route to follow to ensure the will of the people are heard.

Failing the government’s approval we will seek the support of the United Nations and other internationally recognised humanitarian bodies, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (click here) and the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (click here).

Secession is very possible, it is a legitimate action that recognises the will of the people.

Ireland seceded from UK
Austria seceded from Germany
Belgium seceded from Netherlands
Texas seceded from Mexico
Pakistan seceded from British India
Netherlands seceded from Spain
Eritera seceded from Ethiopia
Finland seceded from Russia
Bangladesh seceded from Pakistan
South Sudan seceded from Sudan

There are many more examples of secession taking place in history. The Western Cape has a legitimate claim to seceed and CapeXit is using all legal means available to achieve this goal.

Will there be a new government?


The citizens of the new country will vote for a new government which will make its employees accountable to the citizens.

We have various committees that will eventually become the interim government, this will be researched and dealt with by the economics committee.

The new currency selected will be aligned with one of the international currencies.

The Swiss Canton system will be the government system of choice allowing the citizens more options for a stable, peaceful and prospective country.

We already have the Table View Canton elected an active as our first elected canton!


A dynamic new tax system (TEAL – Total Economic Activity Levy) that will change the lives of everyone forever.

·         No VAT, no PAYE, no SITE

·         No personal or company income taxes or tax returns;

·         No taxes on fuel products;

·         No estate taxes (property and deceased);

·         No capital gains taxes;

·         Any funds moving into any bank account is taxed at 0.5%

·         Any funds moving out of any bank account is taxed at 0.5%

·         Total taxation of any funds going in or out of any bank account is taxed at 1%

·         Implementation of TEAL will increase tax revenue by 27 fold.

Will secession benefit you?

Yes, it will benefit everyone

  • Secession is the only way to break away from the rule of the ANC government.
  • The newly elected Government will be directly accountable to Cape Citizens.
  • The tax income generated in the Cape will be used for the benefit of Cape citizens.
  • Improved education system, police forces, healthcare system.
  • Zero tolerance for lawlessness, racism and discrimination and effective changes in housing benefits.
  • Recognition of your property rights.
  • Closed and tightly controlled borders to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants.

It is usually considered that three elements characterise a state. A Territory, a Population and an Effective Government. Those three elements are notably recalled by the Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states...

Prof. Pierre d'Argent

CapeXit Questions Answered

Below are a series of interviews put together to help answer some of the most pressing questions about CapeXit, answered by Des Palm, a Director of CapeXit.

What and who is CapeXit? Debunking the myths.
CapeXit Operations Director – Des Palm explains who and what Capexit is and debunks any myths about the organisation.
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The ultimate question is
do you want to own your future?

Undoubtedly, the advantages of independence outweigh the current situation in South Africa.
It is legal, feasible, fair, practical, and necessary.

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We're raising funds to reach more people

There are so many people out there who have not yet heard about CapeXit. We need to spread the word!

CapeXit Fund Raising Campaign

The CapeXit Marketing Fund

We will be using these funds to help reach more people just like you who have not yet heard about CapeXit. We market through a series of campaigns that include people on the ground, handing out flyers and talking to the communities as well as workshops and online advertising. CapeXit is a Non-profit organisation and relies on your support to make this a success. Please help by donating as little as R10 to this very worthy cause.


The views and opinions expressed in this frequently asked questions section are those of CapeXit and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position once a new country has been established. The opinions and data expressed are based on information and actualities of past and present historical facts pertaining to International Law and recognised International Bodies. This also includes current government policies that affect the current citizens and residents of the Western Cape, Republic of South Africa. The ideas and suggestions presented are not official but rather a blueprint for an independent country and may be subject to change by the will of the people.

CapeXit is a Registered NPC (Non-Profit Company): Registration Number: 2018/032978/08 with the CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission), South Africa (CapeXit is non-political)

Our vision is to have the Western Cape region of South Africa declared as an independent country. The Western Cape will be phase 1 of the campaign
The quest for independence for minority groups and those indigenous to the Cape, sharing a common historical tradition, racial or ethnic identity, cultural homogeneity (sameness), linguistic (language) unity, religious or ideological affinity, territorial connection and common economic life, will be achieved through a legal process provided for by:

  • Article 235 of the South African Constitution
  • International Law: Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights  and Article 20 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
  • Various other conventions undersigned by the South African government

Essentially, the right to self-determination is the right of a people to determine their destiny. In particular, the principle allows people to choose their political status and to determine their form of economic, cultural and social development. Self-determination denotes the legal right of people to decide their destiny in the international order. Self-determination is a core principle of international law, arising from customary international law, but also recognized as a general principle of law, and enshrined in many international treaties.

Internal self-determination is the right of the people of a state to govern themselves without outside interference.

External self-determination is the right of people to determine their political status and to be free of alien domination, including the formation of their independent state.

Secession is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity or state, but also from any organization, union or military alliance. Some of the most famous and significant secessions have been: the former Soviet republics leaving the Soviet Union, Ireland leaving the United Kingdom, Algeria leaving France, Belgium leaving Holland and South Sudan leaving Sudan in 2011.

According to the international group, Organisation of Emerging African States (OEAS) there are currently 44 areas on the African continent where inhabitants are seeking independence from their homelands. Some include Southern Cameroons (Cameroon), Matabeleland (Zimbabwe), Cabinda (Angola), Biafra ( Nigeria), Lunda (Congo), Kabylia (Algeria) to name a few.

People wanting to relocate to the Independent Cape would have to go through a visa process as with any other country. The laws of the Cape immigration policies would determine the criteria. These proposed laws are currently being formulated by a shadow immigration committee but would still have to be passed into law by the new central government.

When the Cape is declared an independent country, the following would happen:

  • The borders would be closed and manned as per internationally accepted regulations.
  • Any illegal immigrants from other countries would be deported.
  • No illegal immigrants will be allowed in the Independent Cape

Border controls and law enforcement will be applied as per international best practices.

Consider that a huge part of our borders is the sea and mountains, the inland borders will be monitored and controlled by border patrols with the use of modern security and technology. This will be overseen and implemented by various members of the security forces and protocol will be set up by security professionals who are qualified in the area of national security.

In an Independent Cape, all citizens and residents will be treated equally and fairly irrespective of race, religious beliefs or gender. Equal opportunities and benefits will be and must be offered to all who live within the new country.

Economically the Western Cape is self-sustaining, on all fronts. Please consider the following facts:

In 2017 the Western Cape contributed R632 Billion to the National GDP and only received

 R 50 Billion in return. Since 2010, the Western Cape has only received an average of 8% of its contributions to the total National GDP in return.

Sources: –



  • We have harbours that conform to international standards.
  • We have airports that conform to international standards.
  • We have telecommunications and other infrastructure which is of a first world standard.
  • Once the Cape achieves independence it will yet again become the preferred destination for international investments and the return of expertise to our shores will begin.

Various options are being researched, however, like in any other country; the banks can maintain the status quo in the new country. An example of this is when Namibia gained independence the various banking institutions continued normal operations both in South Africa and Namibia.


Existing resources will be refined and future capacity will be developed via investments. Clean energy will be implemented and archaic and expensive systems will be phased out.

We expect banks to remain part of the new country.

Financial institutions are compelled by law to protect your investments. Just like people in SA have investments overseas, similarly people in the new country may have investments in SA.

Yes, a big difference.

CapeXit is a Non-Profit Company (NPC) Registration Number: 2018/032978/08 with the CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission), South Africa with the sole purpose of achieving Cape independence through lawful (South African and International) means.

Cape Party is a political type organization that shares the same vision, that of an independent Cape.

CapeXit is NOT registered as a political party and therefore a member will never be able to vote for CapeXit in an election.

Western Cape residents who are registered as voters on the IEC database  will however be able to vote in a referendum to decide on the achievement of an independent Cape. This would be similar to the British when they voted YES to Brexit (UK exiting the EU)

We have various committees that will eventually be part of the interim government. This question will be researched and dealt with by the economics committee and experts in economics. The new currency will be aligned with one of the international currencies.

Governance will be on a “by the people, for the people” basis. A Swiss canton type direct democracy government model will be followed where the representation of the people will be in a direct, accountable manner. Different political parties will have to work together to maintain the government structure.  Smaller areas will ensure that “the people” can be more involved.

Many things are happening in the background. Committees to affect the lawfully required shadow government structures have been and are being formed. Legal requirements are being determined, including constitution building and many other issues being tackled. So, from that perspective, much work still has to be done. The main drive now is to get the public involved, educated and informed. This will require much funding and human resources as most of this will happen on the ground. We require all the resources we can get, so, if you are dedicated to the cause and able to contribute in any way, please contact us! We look forward to having you onboard.

The current political situation came about when the national majority started enforcing their will over the national minorities. In the new country, the indigenous people will be the majority and as such can maintain the rule in governance. New political parties will be formed in line with the new country’s constitution. The new formed political parties must put the people 1st before a party.


Although the proposed area is unique to a portion of the bulk of the population of the Cape, that is, language, culture and religion, (which would also be the main drive for independence), the Independent Cape is a new country for all of its citizens. So, if you do not fit in with the aforementioned, but are marginalized by the current regime, had enough of BBEEE, racism etc., you can still be part of the drive for independence.

Yes! It is completely legal and legislated in the South African Constitution, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, The African Charter of Human Rights, to name a few.

Through legal means:

1a. South African law:

Accord on Afrikaner Independence

On 23 April 1994 an accord, which specifically dealt with the self-determination of the Afrikaner people, was signed by

the Freedom Front (represented by General Constand Viljoen),

the ANC (represented by Thabo Mbeki),

the South African government and the National Party (represented by Roelf Meyer).

This accord became the foundation for Article 235 of the Constitution of South Africa.
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa guarantees independence in Article 235

“The South African nation’s right to independence as a whole, as embodied in this Constitution, does not deny, within the framework of the law, the acknowledgement of the concept of right of any community that shares a common culture and language heritage, to self-determination within a territorial ethnicity in the Republic or in any other terms, as determined by national legislation.”

This Article is very clear on the right to self-determination which is not only guaranteed for the South African nation as a whole, but also for any community that shares a common cultural and linguistic identity. This makes provision for self-determination within South Africa by the clause “within a territorial ethnicity in the Republic” as well as for secession with the clause “or in any other terms”.


1b. International law:

The concept of self-determination is also included in several International conventions as discussed below:

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

In international law, the right to self-determination is upheld by Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that was undersigned on 3 October 1994 by the South African government and reaffirmed and undersigned on 10 December 1998. The South African government is legally bound by this agreement, of which the appropriate portion reads as follows:

All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

All people may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic cooperation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.

The State Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self- Governing and Trust Territories shall promote the realization of the right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights

The right to self-determination is also enshrined in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, of which Article 20 reads as follows:

All people shall have the right to existence. They shall freely have the unquestionable and inalienable right to self-determination. They shall freely determine their political status and shall pursue their economic and social development according to the policy they have freely chosen.

Colonized or oppressed peoples shall have the right to free themselves from the bonds of domination by resorting to any means recognized by the international community.

All peoples shall have the right to the assistance of the State Parties to the present Charter in their liberation struggle against foreign domination, be it political, economic or cultural.

Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States

The Montevideo Convention clearly states in Article 1 which conditions must be met when a “new” independent state is to be established, namely:

The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications:

  • A permanent population
  • A defined territory
  • A government
  • The capacity to enter into relations with other states

Although CapeXit and other interested parties will be instrumental in establishing the transitional government, in the interest of the people and until the new governmental bodies have been selected, CapeXit will NOT become the new government. CapeXit is not a registered political party and can therefore not become the new government.

By democratic elections, which according to international law must be held within 90 days from the gaining of independence.

All political parties participating in elections will have to present a local mandate. National mandates like BBBEE and AA will no longer be applicable. People mostly vote to keep the Cape out of ANC hands according to the mantras of certain parties. Once we are independent, people will vote for parties that best conform to their principles and beliefs. Political parties which are the cause of our current problems will be sidelined by natural selection. It is also important to note that political parties cannot be represented in separate states, ie, different countries.

The government will be selected by the people with full accountability. The structure to get rid of incompetent councilors will be reviewed so that voters would not have to wait for 4 years to get rid of them. If a councilor or government representative is not acting in the best interest of the people, then the people have the option to recall and remove the representative from his/her position through a petition, leading to a referendum on the issue.

If you belong to the group of people, who qualifies for independence, your visa and passport applications will be received favorably and with preferential treatment. You will still be subjected to the normal criteria of immigration based on the quest for independence as in CapeXit’s mission. Your children and grandchildren will have a safe haven to go to should it be needed.

As fast as our people allow us to. Our campaign is growing with leaps and bounds, and realistically we hope 2-3 years. We will work as hard and fast as we can, but the momentum needs to snowball, our people are waking up, but every individual needs to think and live this. The positive reality is that suddenly there are a lot of organisations working for independence, something that was unheard of 2 years ago.

In Catalonia, 9 opposition organisations eventually came together and took hands to obtain a referendum. Although the Spanish Constitution forbids the breaking up or separation of a sovereign state, international law supersedes the Spanish Constitution. After the recent elections in Catalonia, the majority of political parties in power are in favour of independence from Spain.

No magic, but passion, hard work and participation will get us there, sooner rather than later!  We have always been a nation to beat the odds!

Only people within the Western Cape and who are registered on the Western Cape IEC database are eligible to vote in a referendum.

The registration on the CapeXit database of people outside the Western Cape is crucial as that will form part of the external support as required under International Law. Support for independence must be from 50% +1 of the registered voters within the area, i.e. Western Cape, as well as support from outside the area, which will include the support of one country registered with the United Nations.

Anyone who is registered on the Western Cape database of the IEC.

There will be immigration laws in place, however having historical ties to the Western Cape will assist your application for citizenship.

The Western Cape as an independent country will offer a friendly and close by safe haven for the minorities wishing to immigrate.

The grant system will be reviewed ensuring those who require grants will continue to receive them. This will include the elderly, disabled persons, and others who qualify.

The abuse of public grants in any way, shape or form will not be tolerated and those found to be abusing the grants could face criminal charges and prosecution. CapeXit also proposes upliftment programs in all communities to reduce the need for SASSA grants.

The political landscape will change. Some of the current parties will disappear and some new ones may be formed.  Political parties will have to make sure their mandates are local with full accountability to the voters of each district government as a direct democracy will apply.

Education will be vested with the new central government with allowance for public schools as well as private and semi-private institutions of learning. The current education system is failing and a new and improved 1st world education system will be reviewed and implemented so that all who reside within the new country will benefit.

By way of normal elections where the voters will determine who will form the local governments. This will be done where residents wishing to represent their local municipalities will state their right to stand as representatives by public debates with other representatives. The voters will then determine who the local municipality representative will be.

Economically it makes sense to secede the strongest area first. Once that has been achieved, the same blueprint may be used to assist the other areas should they also wish to secede. The added advantage is that the WC can then support such secessions as an independent country. It is important to note that should other areas outside of the Western Cape be successful in seceding, those areas will have the choice of becoming part of the newly independent Western Cape or becoming a sovereign country in their own right.

Absolutely the same as anyone else. The new country will not discriminate on the base of race, sexual preferences, religious beliefs or anything else.

Please read the Road to Independence document with particular attention to Part 3 which deals with the per capita method of taking over current state assets as well as the future for businesses with interests all over SA.

It will be totally abolished. There should be equal opportunities for all and current BEE

and AA policies will be abandoned completely as it discriminates against

coloured/brown, white and Indian racial groups. There are currently 134 race-based laws

and regulations in South Africa. These current laws and regulations are racist and should not

even be considered in a free and independent Western Cape. 

CapeXit cannot determine if you would automatically qualify for citizenship but CapeXit would support the idea. That would need to be determined by the new central government.

A new security force will be established with retaining as many of the good and non-corrupt current members of SAPS and the local SANDF as possible. Specific attention will be given to training a new generation of peacekeepers, law enforcement officials and national security personnel.

As any country must have a well-structured defence force,  joining such a force will be voluntary, unless not enough members sign up, in which event conscription may be applied. Should there be insufficient voluntary members in the National Defence Force, the government might introduce a draft type system or compulsory national service. This however will be debated and decided by the new Central Government in the best interest of the country.

It will be market and position of authority related. Under the per capita taking over of current state assets, it will include the taking over of all civil employment positions and salary levels within the Western Cape.

The qualifying criteria for a voter to participate in the referendum would be the same as the current regulations under the IEC. The constitutional committee will research international practices and advise on this before the referendum.

CapeXit does not support the idea of incarcerated people being able to vote. When found guilty of a crime against any community, the guilty person will forfeit all rights to be able to form part of the deciding factors about a community’s future. This however would need to be decided by the people through the new central government.

Recent studies have found that there is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long terms of imprisonment. Countries that have abolished the death sentence show no significant changes in either crime or murder rates. Ultimately the people will decide through the new central government or via the various Cantons.

Traffic movement will be addressed through various options:

Properly develop secure Park & Ride areas outside the central business districts with adequate hub (central) stations and smaller spoke (secondary) points.

The implementation of a monorail system (similar to Dubai) transporting people from densely populated areas into town.

Restricting heavy transport from operating in peak traffic hours (e.g. Germany).

Promoting the “remote office” work practice as an alternative (the Covid19 lockdown proved that this concept works well). Members of society that work remotely since the start of the Covid pandemic has increased by 3000% and online business has increased by 8000%.

Promote the employment of people in their district (see the Road to Independence) which will reduce the need to travel for work to other areas. 

The waiting list for housing will be re-evaluated. Residents will get priority to receive housing, the delivery of housing will be accelerated with the new state being able to retain all GDP contributions and becoming a sought after investment destination. With better tax incentives, major companies will also be urged to provide housing for their employees on serviced land.  

An investigative committee will be active before the referendum to note the location of all drug and gang lords. When independence is gained, there will be swift action by security forces to remove these factions with relevant prison terms. Drugs and gangsterism in prisons will also be dealt with to the full extent of the law as prison will become a place of incarceration and not  a holiday destination.

CapeXit advocates the TEAL system as proposed on the CapeXit website: TEAL System

Singapore had adopted portions of the TEAL system and the country has been ranked by the World Economic Forum as the most open in the world and the 3rd least corrupt country in the world. Singapore also boasts the second-highest per-capita GDP in the world.

Unemployment will be tackled on various levels. A far healthier economy will create a demand for previously skilled people to be taken up into the economy again. Centres of training and instruction (e.g. for trades) will be installed to allow the unskilled to become a skilled contributors to the economy.

The current health system is falling apart due to corruption, nepotism and bad management. In the new country, the health system will be completely overhauled with competent people and experts in their respective fields, taking charge of the restructuring. The more favourable economy and growth will allow for better care for the elderly, frail and disabled.

CapeXit is establishing advisory panels on the sustainable generation of energy. Various successful models exist in other countries (wind, solar, ocean currents, etc) and we will engage with interested parties on a BOT (Build, Operate & Transfer) basis which means they will have to sell energy at a competitive rate into the new network.

The issue is with water management. Efficient management structures will be put in place, free of corruption & nepotism, with suitably qualified people in charge. Aspects like the loss of rainwater, management of estuaries, etc will receive top priority.

Yes. A survey of agricultural land confirms the available land. There will however be a drive to implement practices like hydroponics, tunnel farming, etc where better use can be made of the land. Smaller-scale farming will also be implemented with initial support from the new government.

This is an internationally accepted control measure to prevent the referendum from being flooded with politically “organised” votes.

The ELIE WIESEL Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2018 will come into immediate effect. The Act was established to provide additional training for Foreign Service Officers assigned to a country experiencing or at risk of mass atrocities, such as genocide or war crimes. The training shall include instruction on recognizing patterns of escalation and early signs of potential atrocities, and methods of preventing and responding to atrocities.

A canton is a type of administrative division of a country. In general, cantons are relatively small in terms of area and population when compared with other administrative divisions such as counties, departments, or provinces. Cantons can also be divided into semi-cantons. The word Canton derives from the French and means corner or district. The modern English term simply means “administrative subdivisions” The most well known Canton is that of the Cantons of Switzerland of which there are 26 cantons or districts.

CapeXit endorses the Swiss Canton. The Swiss Federal Constitution declares the cantons to be sovereign to the extent that their sovereignty is not limited by federal law. Areas specifically reserved to the Confederation are the armed forces, currency, the postal service, telecommunications, immigration into and emigration from the country, granting asylum, conducting foreign relations with sovereign states, civil and criminal law, weights and measures, and customs duties.

Each canton has its own constitution, legislature, executive, police and courts. Similar to the Confederation, a directorial system of government is followed by the cantons.

Contact Us Now!

At CapeXit we would love to get in touch and chat more about our movement for change. Should you need more information and do not find what you are looking for on our website, you are welcome to email us at info@capexit.org

If you have any information you’d like to share, like an event happening in your area or something you’d like to share on what is happening in your community, email us at news@capexit.org